superadobe australia q&A
thank you so much for choosing to share your project and story!
We are dedicated to making SuperAdobe and Earthbag building more accessible to all Australians, and to help show the world what’s happening Down Under!
Below are a few questions to help us add a bit more info to any pictures or videos you’d like to share. Don’t feel obligated to share anything you’re not happy with, just leave any questions blank if you’re not interested in them.
This info is internded to give viewers a better understanding of the project, how and why it was done, and generally bring awareness
Please email any photos or videos you would like shared to, or message through any of our socials @Curvatecture
We intend to share this information on SuperAdobe Australia’s Instagram page, Facebook page, and possibly our Curvatecture YoutTube account, only ever in an educational and open manner. We will always give reference and credit to all owners of any pictures or videos we share, and will always be shedding a positive and helpful light on any projects shared. Do you fully consent to all of these actions? Or would you like more limited use of your media and information? Please advise us below: